Can you use shaving cream in tube WITHOUT a brush? (2024)

  • Feb 28, 2016
  • #1


I've used shaving soap and shaving in a car, never tried shaving cream in the tub. Is it possible to use shaving cream without a shaving brush, or is that kind of a requirement? Like such

Can you use shaving cream in tube WITHOUT a brush? (2)

  • Feb 28, 2016
  • #2



you can most of those cheaper shaving creams will say on the package to aply to wet hands rub hands together to build lather. i think a brush is better though just use a small knot sythic brush. can not see my self having in the car with a blade hehe. ether way you look at it brush or not i think be a messy experience. with little water to rinse.

  • Feb 28, 2016
  • #3


You could rub it on your face with your hands, but I doubt if you'd get much lather.
If you can find one, you'd probably be better off with a tube of "Brushless" shaving cream.

  • Feb 28, 2016
  • #4


I've used Nivea this way a hundred times, but as mentioned, little messy.

  • Feb 28, 2016
  • #5


You can use any cream without a brush.

  • Feb 28, 2016
  • #7


ZJ68 said:

You can use any cream without a brush.

+1 ... the same is true for soaps.

Some creams are labeled as "brushless" and others suggest "use a brush." Doesn't matter, both of these will work either way.

When I travel, I usually leave the brush at home. I've never had any trouble getting any software to work with applying it by hand. Its less gear to carry, it doesn't need to be rinsed and put up to dry ... neither my whiskers nor my razor can ever tell the difference, and the final outcome of the shave is the same.

Even at home, I sometimes lather by hand ... I might be in a rush, or it might be a soap/cream that leaves behind a residue, or it might just be time for a change-up.

  • Feb 28, 2016
  • #8


When I get a new cream in my den, I read the directions, and no matter whether it says "brushless" or "use a brush" ... I just smirk and slap it soundly, and let it know "Looky here, mr. cream ... you're on MY TURF now ... I don't care what the directions say, we're gonna rock this shave MY WAY."

Last edited:

  • Feb 28, 2016
  • #9


You can apply it with just your hands but it won't be a cushiony as lather whipped up with a brush. As long as you get enough water worked into it, it'll be just as slick though.

When I use creams from a tube (or a tub for that matter), I usually use my wet hands to work some of the cream into my beard and let it sit a while to soften my whiskers up. For that, I find applying with my hands works better than using a brush. After my whiskers are soft, I apply a little more cream and face lather with a brush.

  • Feb 28, 2016
  • #10


I used Proraso red from a tube lathered on my face useing my fingertips for months before I got a brush.

  • Feb 28, 2016
  • #11

adamchur said:

You could rub it on your face with your hands, but I doubt if you'd get much lather.
If you can find one, you'd probably be better off with a tube of "Brushless" shaving cream.

+1. Possible, simply not my choice as it will not produce as nice a lather or the exfoliation I prefer.

  • Feb 28, 2016
  • #12


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu

Can you? Yes. Will you be as happy without a brush? Probably not. Most shavers would answer definitely not.

There are plenty of decent inexpensive brushes. I recommend you get one.

  • Feb 28, 2016
  • #13


Fussy Evil Genius

I tend to agree on both counts. I've used a tube cream without a brush (once in a pinch; another time just to see how it went), but I greatly prefer a brush.

I've found that the time difference in using a brush and not using a brush is a handful of seconds, if that. It's one of those situations where you think you are getting something done more quickly, but the reality is that you are just spending a very little less time to create a strikingly inferior product (i.e., lather).

  • Feb 28, 2016
  • #14


RT Smoothie

Yes you can - but it's so much better with a brush as well as so much more fun!

  • Feb 28, 2016
  • #15


Indeed, all creams can be used brushless, but creams meant to be lathered will perform better using a brush.
On the other hand, I wouldn't put a brush to a non-lathering style of cream lest gunking up the brush.

  • Feb 29, 2016
  • #16


adamchur said:

You could rub it on your face with your hands, but I doubt if you'd get much lather.
If you can find one, you'd probably be better off with a tube of "Brushless" shaving cream.

try a tube of Cremo Creme.....inexpensive and readily availble in most drug stores. It isn't TOBS, but it works pretty well. Good travel product if you wanna eliminate the brush.

  • Feb 29, 2016
  • #17


Are we missing the elephant in the room? Shaving in a car?! And I heard texting was as bad as a drunk driver. Where do you live? I think I want to avoid. Hope this isn't a new trend. Dude, wake up earlier and do it right.

  • Feb 29, 2016
  • #18


Check out Clinque for men shave cream. Excellent shave cream that can only be applied by hand. It's what I use when I'm short on

  • Feb 29, 2016
  • #19


gfaulknor said:

Are we missing the elephant in the room? Shaving in a car?!

I assumed it was a typo for "can", and he meant shaving cream in a can.

  • Feb 29, 2016
  • #20


Maybe, but I too have uncomfortably shaved in a car. Mind you that was whilst 'car camping'.

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Can you use shaving cream in tube WITHOUT a brush? (2024)
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